Monday, March 21, 2011

Chronological Events of the case
28.4.2008 All India CEC of HPMSA resolved against the appointment of Sanjay Grover as CEO of HINCOL . He was appointed 3 grades higher and he had resigned from HPCL 2 years before.
5.5.08 C& MD , HPCL, Arun Balakrishnan refused to review his decision in a CEC meeting
6.5.2008 400 HPCL officers gheraoed Ashok Singh& R.P.Sriavstava at HPCL’s Mumbai refinery colony in H.P.Nagar east , chembur while they were on their way to office and demanded that Dir-HR,GM-HR be called and discuss the appointment of Sanjay Grover.Dir-HR,GM-HR came to colony for one-to-one meeting with officers. Association leaders were called to Marketing Head office in Ballard Estate @5 P.M and minutes were drafted.GM-HR assured that same will be signed by Dir -HR and handed over next day since Dir-HR was away to Delhi.
7.5.08 Ashok singh & R.P.Srivastava were issued charge sheet for instigating officers for agitation by way of sending emails, they were President and Treasurer of the HPMSA&OSOA respectively. They had opposed Govt. against Privatization of HPCL/BPCL and won the case from Supreme court.
12.5.08 Ashok Singh & R.P.Srivastava filed CBI complaint before Regional Director Mumbai against Secy Petroleum MOP&NG, Authentix&SGS (suppliers ) for Rs. 200 cr. Irregularity in procurement of Marker system under implementation by OMC’s for checking adulteration of kerosene in Petrol/ Diesel.
16.5.08 Ashok singh suspended within 4 days of filing above complaint by framing him in a misappropriation case at one one of the Retail outlets in his area , he was in charge of 140 such outlets.
27.5.08 demanded “whistle Blowers protection “as per Govt. of India’s resolution from CVC and a meeting fixed with VC Sudhir kumar on 6.6.08.
4.6.08 Times of india News “crack down on fuel mafia’
6.6.08 Met VC sudhir kumar and appealed to him for getting us whistle blower’s protection
11.6.08 R.P.Srivastava issued a charge memo by HPCL for displaying some Technical committee report on Association Notice board on 6.6.08(while he was in Delhi with VC). This report was available on petroleum sector website since 21.5.08
16.6.08 PIL NO.60/2008 filed by NAPM activist Simpreet singh in Mumbai High Court by Adv. Shri Y.P.Singh.
21.6.08 HPCL derecognized HPMSA and coerced /threatened officers to resign from Association membership, they obtained a letter from Registrar’s office that Association was de registered.
23.6.08 HPCL instituted enquiry in 7.5.08 charge sheet and appointed one retired HPCL officer as Enquiry officer , both the officers vehemently opposed his appointment since they have had heated debates with him in joint HR committee in 1998, and his fairness was doubtful.
29.6.08 HPCL Board recorded in their minutes that Association leaders will be fixed and taught a lesson for instigating officers
7.7.08 HPMSA filed case against deregistration in labor court Bandra east
16.7.08 HPCL instituted enquiry in 7.5.08 charge sheet and both the officers once again strongly opposed Enquiry officer’s appointment.
21/22.07.08 Ashok singh & R.P.Srivastava met VC sudhir kumar again and advised him of the torture and humiliation
24.7.08 HPCL issued charge memo for sending a mail message to his OSOA members that “Today marker PIL was heard in Mumbai High Court’.
30.7.08 Once HPCL Board resolved to fix the Association leaders in their meeting on 29.7.08
30.07.08 R.P.Srivastava was issued another charge sheet for the charge memo of 11.6.08 i.e display of technical committee report on HPMSA notice board.
7.8.08 Both officers met 3rd time VC Sudhir kumar and pleaded his intervention in their ongoing ordeal of charge sheet/charge memo’s humiliation and atrocities.
10.9.08 R.P.Srivastava issued one more explanation letter.
25.09.08 R.P.Srivastva filed writ petition No. 2254/2008 in Mumbai high court for quashing the enquiry in view of illegalities and bias of enquiry officer.
1.10.08 Mumbai high court ordered and granted liberty , for approaching in the event of adverse order from HPCL in the 7.5.08 charge sheet and enquiry case
5.10.08 Indian express news item confirmed that marker launched by MOP&NG and OMC’s was not tamper proof and could be laundered by ordinary clay.
23.10.08 Hon’ble Mumbai high court ordered CBI enquiry in the Marker PIL no. 60 and also an independent enquiry by Vigilance dept tog MOP&NG
31.10.08 CVC rejected appeals of both the officers and stated in their order that “ they cannot be given whistle blower protection and job related and shall be treated as plain complainant
10.11.08 Enquiry officer abruptly concluded the enquiry , declining charged officer’s request of summoning Dir-HR and GM HR , IT&S officer of HPCL .
21.11.08 R..P.Srivastava enquiry commenced in 2nd charge sheet dt. 30.7.08, his salary deducted for October 2008 , conveyance reimbursement stopped, evicted from his office , assistance removed and made to sit under stairs case.
24.12.08 Indian express news regarding irregularities in the marker procurement , no success in checking adulteration and marker system was abruptly withdrawn by MOP&NG and OMC’s w.e.f 31.12.08
31.12.08 Marker system removed across the country and Rs. 200 cr. Of public exchequer sunk.
7-9.01.09 OSOA went on 3 days All India strike against strike against salary revision HPCL officers did not participate even then HPCL suspended R.P.Srivastava alleging him instigation of officers though he himself was on duty for all the days during strike.
25.2.09 Enquiry officer submitted his report disciplinary authority sent letter to Singh& Srivastava for their reply
28.02.09 srivastava issued 3rd charge sheet for suspension of 9.1.09.
12.03.09 Both the officers were dismissed from services of HPCL without allowing them even statuary 15 days to reply Enquiry officer’s report.
27.03.09 Both the officers filed their statuary appeal before the appellate authority i.e AFD(All functional directors) against dismissal order.
29.4.09 CBI filed PE NO. 0001in the marker case against Secy. Petroleum, Authentix & SGS and unknown officials of OMC’s.
22.6.2009 Times of India news that HPCL ‘S own R&D advisor had mentioned as early as in Jan 2005 in the Petrotech. Seminar in New Delhi that marker introduced was carcinogenic(may cause cancer among human being)in nature
15.7.09 R.P.Srivastava’s appeal rejected by AFD .
2.8.09 R.P.Srivatsava evicted from the company accommodation.
31.8.09 HPMSA’s registration restored by Registrar of Trade unions consequent to the order of the labor court dt. 3.4.09.
21.09.09 CN-IBN exposed entire marker scam and all irregularities in its procurement , and stated that Authentix was a black listed company abroad with the name BIOCODE . It also mentioned that CVC has ordered CBI to investigate the charges against senior Ministry officials .
1.10.09 HPCL rejected Ashok Singh’s appeal also and modified R.P.Srivastava’s order from dismissal from service to “removal from service” hence no bar on future employment.
23.04.10 Ashok singh & Srivastava filed their writ petition in Mumbai High Court Nos. 2106&2207 respectively against their order of Removal from Service.
19.8.2010 CBI in their report found the CBI complaint by us was correct and MOP&NG issued advisory to all OMC Chairmen to be cautious in future procurements .
7.9.2010 Writ Petitions of R.P.Srivastava & Ashok Singh admitted in Mumbai High Court
22.11.2010 Shri shri Prakash Director MOP&NG admitted in a RTI reply to R.P.Srivastava that Ministry is still investigating the Marker case.
19.1.2011 Murli Deora removed from Ministry of Petroleum

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